Use Appendix B6 Provisions[Yes/No]: If the user selects "Yes" for Appendix B6 provisions, the code check component will internally verify for additional requirements and will not use it if all conditions are not met. If all conditions are met for a support station, the code check will report the amount of major axis bending moment to be redistributed (Delta Mrd) from piers to span regions for strength and service limit states. This information can be used to determine if using Appendix B6 satisfies the AASHTO requirements for the support locations in their first run.
Mrd at supports list(Strength) - Mrd at supports list(Service): The maximum factored negative major axis bending moment for the strength/sevice limit state at the piers can be entered as input. The user can run the code check without the B6 provisions and extract the maximum results from the detailed report, then input those values into the component.The maximum factored negative major axis bending moment for the service limit state at the piers can be entered as input. The user can run the code check without the B6 provisions and extract the maximum results from the detailed report, then input those values into the component In the second run, the user needs to enter the Mrd values reported in the summary as an input to the code check for any span region adjacent to pier locations. This will help determine if the distributed moment can cause any problems at those locations.
Adj. to Interior-Pier Section Stations(Str) - Adj to Interior-Pier Section Stations(Ser): The user can specify the range for moment redistribution with station values along the PGL for each pier. At these stations, the demand will be redistributed and will increase the demand at the adjacent stations while decreasing the demand at the pier. The expected behavior is that the maximum demand value at the pier will decrease, and the maximum demand value at the adjacent stations will increase.