Area [in2]:
Shear Area Y [in2]:
Shear Area Z [in2]:
Torsion Constant [in4]:
Inertia Y [in4]:
Inertia Z [in4]:
Inertia ZY [in4]:
Compute Properties From Shape?:
Has Geometry? (readonly):
Assigned? (readonly):
More Properties
Radius of Gyration Y [in]:
Radius of Gyration Z [in]:
Centroid Location Y [in]:
Centroid Location Z [in]:
Shear Center Y [in]:
Shear Center Z [in]:
Perimeter [in]:
Warping Constant [in]:
Non-prismatic Variation Direction:
Pos. of Neg. Edge Y [in]:
Pos. of Pos. Edge Y [in]:
Pos. of Neg. Edge Z [in]:
Pos. of Pos. Edge Z [in]: