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Navigate to to Superstructure > Boundary Conditios > Bearing Fixity


When you reach Choose the first cell from the "Insertion Point" column, click on the first line, and then select choose the "Pick" button in from the window that appearspops up.


Select the insertion points that were defined in the previous step in the 3D viewto define boundary conditions for the superstructure. At each location, enter fixities or stiffness values according to bearing types in Tx, Ty, Tz directions.

Pick all insertion point for define boundary conditionspoints for each bearing


Set Tx/Ty/Tz/Rx/Ry/Rz.


Set Transfer Force to Substructure as Yes for interior pier locations.


Set Transfer Force to Substructure as No for start and end support locations.

titleQuick Tip

In this part, dofs are assigned to nodes. The coordinate system of the each insertion point changes along the support line and alignment. According to this new coordinate system, new dofs should be assigned.

Tx/Ty/Tz/Rx/Ry/Rz fixities are shown below.

Bearing Rotation parameter rotates the support clockwise in the XY plane.

FE behaviour of Transfer Force to Substructure.
