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Code Block
<O N="FEMeshObject8" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 08.02.2023 -->
    <O N="RoadwayAlignment" T="Alignment" Station="0" Azimuth="1.57079632679">
        <O T="Circular" Radius="2400" Length="4800" />
        <O T="CrossSection" Station="0" LeftEdgeToHCL="240">
            <O T="CrossSectionSegment" Width="480" Slope="0" />
        <O T="ElevationPoint" Station="0" Elevation="0" />
    <O N="FEM1" T="FEMeshSurface" CX="15" CY="60" Alignment="RoadwayAlignment" ConstraintPts="[]" MeshDirection="[[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0]]" Material="@NULL|Material" Surface="@NULL|Surface" CoorSys="@NULL|CoorSys" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" IsConstraint="1">
        <O T="Surface" Node1OffZ="15" Node2OffZ="15">
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="600" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="600" Y="240" />
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="240" />
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