Material object holds material property information for the structure.
Examples of these properties are modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, density, steel yield strength, 28-day strength of concrete.
Example Syntax:
Code Block |
<O T="Material">
</O> |
Code Block |
| <O N="MaterialObject1" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right">
<!-- created by ParamML Examples on 06.02.2023 -->
<O N="Rebar3D" T="Line">
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" />
<O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" Z="100" />
<O N="Section" T="Section">
<O T="Shape">
<O T="Circle" Radius="5" />
<O N="StructuralSteel _A36" T="Material">
<P N="E" V="200000" D="modulus of elasticity" />
<P N="G" V="83333" D="shear modulus" />
<P N="Fu" V="400" D="specified minimum tensile strength" />
<P N="Fy" V="248" D="specified minimum yield stress" />
</O> |
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