For example, <P N="length" V="10" T="Number" D="The length of the structure"> specifies a parameter named "length" with a value of "10", a type of "Number" and a description of "The length of the structure".
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Attributes of Parameters
1 | Symbol | Label | Description | Mandatory | Example |
2 | T | Type | In ParamML, the type (T) attribute specifies the type of the parameter. By default, all parameter values are expressions or numbers that can be evaluated mathematically. In this case, the type attribute is only specified or included in the parameter if it is a text or an object reference. | Yes | T="Text" T="Surface" T="Volume" |
3 | N | Name | The name (N) attribute specifies the name of the parameter. It should be short and meaningful, and should not contain any spaces or special characters. Numbers can be used, but the first character of the name cannot be a number. The "_" (underscore) is commonly used in the name of parameters to specify the subscript of a parameter. | Yes | N="height" N="width" N="NumberOfRebars" N="Radius1" N="L_b" |
4 | V | Value | The value (V) attribute specifies the value of the parameter. This could be a constant, expression, text, or an object reference. | Yes | V="10" |
5 | D | Description | The description (D) attribute specifies the description of the parameter. Words placed before the ":" (colon) will appear in the interface as the heading of the description. Anything enclosed in "[ ]" (square brackets) and separated with a "/" (slash) will appear in a drop-down in the interface as options for the value of the parameter. These options will show up in the edit dialog box of the object defined by the parameter. | No | D="Height of the column (ft)" D="Material: The default material of the section." D="Force Unit: The force unit of the unit system. [POUND/KIPS/NEWTON/ |
6 | UT | Unit Type | Specifies the type of unit used by the parameter | No | UT="Length" |
7 | UC | Unit Category | Specifies the name of the unit system used by the parameter | No | UC="Section |