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Follow the Please follow below instruction to Export&Import Safe Analysis and Result.

Table 1: CSI Safe Export & Import


Go Navigate to the "1st Floor" section under "CSI SAFE from " in the tree view.

After arrange Once you have reached this section, please arrange the settings as specified in the figure and click “Export Safe File”.For save of . After that, click on "Export Safe File" button.

To save the F2K file, please select "Safe16" as the version, and then click on save button to save it.


Open Safe 2016 and import the previously saved F2K folder.

After the project is has been imported to into Safe, please click the "Run" button to begin the analysis.


After completing the analysis is complete, please click the export button and select "SAFE F2K File".

Enter the project name, and make the necessary selections in the combobox as specified in the figure.


Click on "Import Safe Results" button and select the F2K file that was saved in the previous step.

As seen shown in the figure, all rows should be checked before importing the results.


The “CSI Safe Export & Import” part is completed in this step.

You can proceed to the “Slab Analysis Results” section.