The composite forces procedure assumes a virtual composite 2-node element made up of the provided finite elements to the force()
function. The returned composite results will be by default two lists -- one for each end of the virtual composite 2-node element. You can pass a third argument to force()
function to get the start (send 0) or end (send 1) of the virtual element
Load Type Enumarations:
Starts with 0
Code Block | ||
| ||
DL, // Dead
IL, // Imposed Dead
DW, // Wearing Surface
WS, // Wind on Structure
SL, // Snow
TU, // Temperature
SH, // Shrinkage
CR, // Creep
PS, // Prestress
PSLR, // Prestress Loss (Relaxation)
PSLO, // Prestress Loss (Other)
EQ, // Earthquake
EL, // miscellaneous locked-in force effects resulting from the construction process, including jacking apart of cantilevers in segmental construction
EP, // Earth Pressure
EV, // vertical pressure from dead load of earth fill
EH, // horizontal earth pressure load
DD, // Downdrag Force
ES, // Earth Surcharge
CT, // vehicular collision force
CV, // vessel collision force
CE, // Centrifugal
RS, // Rib Shortening
BU, // Buoyancy
SFP, // Stream Flow Pressure
IC, // Ice Load
LL, // Live (Vehicular)
LP, // Live (Pedastrian)
LLI, // Live (Impact)
LLL, // Live (Longitudinal)
LLP, // Live (Permit)
LLS, // Live (Service)
LLF, // Live (Fatigue)
BR, // Braking
BL, // Blast
WL, // Wind on Live
CDL, // Const. Dead
CIL, // Const. Imposed Dead
CLL, // Const. Live
CWS, // Const. Wind
CH, // Change
CM, // Construction Method
PSAL // Prestress after loss