Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






Analysis loads & combinations of the code checks are completed.


Follow the next steps to create a Load Combination Table for load rating.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Load Rating Combination Table.



Under Dead Load column, select DC1, DC2 and DW accordingly, and specify load factors as 1.25 and 1.5, respectively.


Name the row as LoadRatingLCT.


Dead load definitions are completed.


Follow the next steps to add live load definitions.


Switch to Design Load column.



Click three-dots icon  under LL column and select a live load case.


Legal Load, Emergency Load and Permit Load could be defined similarly with corresponding live load cases with desired vehicle definitions and load factors.


Go to Limit States under Design Load Combinations on the tree view.


Copy Load Modifiers, Load Cases 1, Load Cases 2, and Load Cases 3 from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.


Go to Load Combination Table under Design Load Combinations on the tree view.


Copy Params from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.


Go to Load Rating Combination Table under Design Load Combinations on the tree view.


Copy Dead Load, Design Load, Legal Load, Emergency Load, and Permit Load from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.


Result Extraction Cases



Code Block
DC1	Dead	YES	NO	NO	[[SubstrConstStage, 1],[GirderStage, 1],[SIPFormworkStage, 1],[Cast1PourStage, 1],[Cast2PourStage, 1],[Cast3PourStage, 1],[Cast123GainStiffStage, 1],[Cast4PourStage, 1],[Cast5PourStage, 1],[Cast45GainStiffStage, 1]]
DC2	Imposed Dead	NO	NO	NO	[[FBarrierStage, 1]]
DW	Wearing Surface	NO	NO	NO	[[FutureWearingStage, 1]]
LL	Live (Vehicular + Impact)	YES	YES	NO	[[LLHL93Case, 1]]
LLFat	Live (Vehicular + Impact)	YES	YES	NO	[[LLFatCase, 1]]
WS	Wind on Structure	YES	YES	NO	[[WSCase, 1]]
TU	Temperature	YES	YES	NO	[[TUExpStage, 1],[TUContrStage, 1]]
BR	Braking	NO	NO	NO	[[LLBrakingCase, 1]]
CENT	Centrifugal	NO	NO	NO	[[LLCentCase, 1]]


Limit States


Load Modifiers

Code Block
StrengthI	1	1	1
StrengthIII	1	1	1
StrengthV	1	1	1
ServiceI	1	1	1
ServiceII	1	1	1
FatigueI	1	1	1
FatigueII	1	1	1
StrengthII	1	1	1
StrengthIV	1	1	1
ServiceIII	1	1	1
ServiceIV	1	1	1
StrIConst	1	1	1

Load Cases 1




Follow the next steps to prepare the set of unfactored analysis results.


Under Combinations, go to Result Extraction Cases.



Go to 1st row, name it as DC1.



Go to the second column Filter by Load Type, click three-dots icon  and select Dead.


Go to the 3rd column Envelope, click three-dots icon and select NO.



Go to the 4th column Incremental, click three-dots icon and select NO.


Go to the 5th column Extreme Effects, click three-dots icon and select NO.


Go to Cases|Factors, click three-dots icon  to open edit window.



In the new spreadsheet, click Select under Case cell.



From the drop-down menu, select dead loads of the construction one-by-one.


titleMore about Result Extraction Cases

The first key parameter of this step is the Load Type specified in the Loading/Construction Stage.

Load Type serves as a filter when analysis results are extracted through construction stages (by Filter by Load Type parameter of Result Extraction Cases).

Filter by Load Type enables extracting analysis results based on load types, either cumulative or incremental.

To extract cumulative or incremental other two key parameters are:

i) Envelope:








Selecting YES (ex: )




Selecting NO




Extracts the most critical results of Cases|Factors when it contains more than one load case.


Finds the most critical results like deck pouring sequences, wind load, temperature load cases.


Extracts the results of Cases|Factors when it contains only one load case.










Selecting YES (ex: )




Selecting NO (ex: )




Extracts incremental results of each stage added to Cases|Factors.


Obtains incremental results of a specific load type included in stages added to Cases|Factors.


Extracts cumulative results up to the last stage added to Cases|Factors.


Obtains cumulative results of a specific load type included in stages added to Cases|Factors(Ex: Assume the load type of barrier loading is specified as Superimposed - Assume the load type of girder erection and deck pouring sequences is Dead. Using Incremental = NO and Filter by Load Type = Superimposed gives the results of barrier loading).



Go to Result Extraction Cases under Combinations on the tree view.


Copy Items from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.


Completed input spreadsheet is illustrated below.



Follow the next steps to import load factors from pre-defined OpenBrIM Library definitions.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Load Combination Table. This is the interface of load factors of limit states to be imported.



Follow the next steps to add load combinations for superstructure.


In Load Combination Table input spreadsheet, go to 1st row of Strength I column and click on three-dots icon.



Select Import.


Keep Source drop-down menu as default (OpenBrIM Platform ()).



Select Database from drop-down menu as AASHTO 9th Edition Load Combinations.


Select Category as Strength Limit States.


Select Asset as Strength I.


Scroll down in the Import OBPAASHTOLimitState menu and click Import.


In same way, repeat the same procedure to import the other corresponding limit states (Strength III, Strength IV, Strength V, Service II, Fatigue I and Fatigue II).



Name the Load Combination Table as SuperstructureLCT.


Imported limit states appears under Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States.



Follow the next steps to add load combinations for substructure.


Go back to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Load Combinations tab.



Create one more row and name it as SubstructureLCT. Import the limit states (StrengthI, StrengthIII, StrengthIV, StrengthV, ServiceI, ServiceII, ServiceIII, ServiceIV, FatigueI and FatigueII) in same way with the previous step.


Additonal limit states imported are appeared in Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States spreadsheet.



titleQuick Tip

Unfactored set of analysis results extracted from the construction stages.

Load factors from limit states.


Follow the next steps to specify the load cases (classes) combined with the load factors.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States one last time and select Load Cases 1.


Image Removed


Click on three-dots icon under DC1 column of StrengthI limit state and click Select.



Select DC1 (Remember, its content was composed of the corresponding construction stages in Combinations/Result Extraction Cases step).



In same way, keep selecting the load cases for the corresponding limit states.



Load cases not included in this example should remain as NULL.


Serviceability limit states (Strength, Service, and Fatigue) and load combinations are completed.


Follow the next steps to include a unique load combination for the constructability limit state.


Under Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States, add a row named StrIConst.



Select DC1 and keep the rest of the load cases as NULL.


Enter γmax as 1.4.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Load Combination Table one last time.



Add a row named SuperStrConstLCT.


Select StrengthI column as StrIConst, and keep the rest of the limit states as NULL.


Follow the next steps to specify the load cases (classes) combined with the load factors.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States one last time and select Load Cases 1.

Image Added


Click on three-dots icon under DC1 column of StrengthI limit state and click Select.

Image Added


Select DC1 (Remember, its content was composed of the corresponding construction stages in Combinations/Result Extraction Cases step).

Image Added


In same way, keep selecting the load cases for the corresponding limit states.

Image Added


Load cases not included in this example should remain as NULL.


Serviceability limit states (Strength, Service, and Fatigue) and load combinations are completed.



Follow the next steps to include a unique load combination for the constructability limit state.


Under Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States, add a row named StrIConst.

Image Added


Select DC1 and keep the rest of the load cases as NULL.


Enter γmax as 1.4.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Load Combination Table one last time.

Image AddedImage Added


Add a row named SuperStrConstLCT.


Select StrengthI column as StrIConst, and keep the rest of the limit states as NULL.


Analysis loads & combinations of the code checks are completed.


Insert excerpt


Go to Limit States under Design Load Combinations on the tree view.


Copy Load Modifiers, Load Cases 1, Load Cases 2, and Load Cases 3 from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.



Insert excerpt

Limit States

Load Modifiers

Code Block
StrengthI	1	1	1
StrengthIII	1	1	1
StrengthV	1	1	1
ServiceI	1	1	1
ServiceII	1	1	1
FatigueI	1	1	1
FatigueII	1	1	1
StrengthII	1	1	1
StrengthIV	1	1	1
ServiceIII	1	1	1
ServiceIV	1	1	1
StrIConst	1	1	1

Load Cases 1

Code Block
StrengthI	DC1	1.25	0.9	DC2	1.25	0.9	DW	1.5	0.65	LL	1.75	1.75	BR	1.75	1.75	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1.75	1.75	NULL	1	1
ServiceIIStrengthIII	DC1	1.25	10.9	DC2	1.25	10.9	DW	1.5	10.65	LL	1.3	1.30	0	BR	1.3	1.30	0	WS	01	01	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1.3	1.30	0	NULL	1	1
FatigueIStrengthV	DC1	01.25	0.9	DC2	01.25	0.9	DW	01.5	0.65	LLFatLL	1.7535	1.7535	BR	1.7535	1.7535	WS	01	01	NULL	01	01	TU	01.2	0.5	CENT	1.7535	1.7535	NULL	1	1
FatigueIIServiceI	DC1	01	01	DC2	01	01	DW	01	01	LLFatLL	0.8	0.81	1	BR	0.8	0.81	1	WS	01	01	NULL	01	01	TU	01.2	0.5	CENT	0.8	0.81	1	NULL	1	1
StrengthIIServiceII	DC1	1.25	0.91	DC2	1.25	0.91	DW	1.5	0.651	LL	1.353	1.353	BR	1.353	1.353	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1.353	1.353	NULL	1	1
StrengthIVFatigueI	DC1	1.50	0.9	DC2	1.50	0.9	DW	1.50	0.65	LLLLFat	0	01.75	1.75	BR	0	01.75	1.75	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.20	0.5	CENT	0	01.75	1.75	NULL	1	1
ServiceIIIFatigueII	DC1	10	10	DC2	10	10	DW	10	10	LLLLFat	1	10.8	0.8	BR	1	10.8	0.8	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.20	0.5	CENT	1	10.8	0.8	NULL	1	1
ServiceIVStrengthII	DC1	1.25	10.9	DC2	1.25	10.9	DW	1.5	10.65	LL	0	01.35	1.35	BR	0	01.35	1.35	WS	10	10	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	0	01.35	1.35	NULL	1	1
StrIConstStrengthIV	DC1	1.45	10.9	NULLDC2	1.5	10.9	NULLDW	1.5	10.65	NULLLL	10	10	NULLBR	10	10	NULLWS	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULLTU	1.2	10.5	NULLCENT	10	10	NULL	1	1

Load Cases 2

Code Block
StrengthI	NULL
ServiceIII	DC1	1	1	NULLDC2	1	1	NULLDW	1.75	1.75	NULLLL	01	01	NULLBR	1	1	NULLWS	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULLTU	01.2	0.5	NULLCENT	01	01	NULL	1.75	1.75
StrengthIII	NULL
ServiceIV	DC1	1	1	DC2	1	1	NULLDW	1	1	NULLLL	0	0	NULLBR	0	0	NULLWS	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULLTU	01.2	0.5	NULLCENT	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0
StrengthV	NULL	11	1
StrIConst	DC1	1.4	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.35	1.35	NULL	01	01	NULL	1	1	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	1.35	1.35

Load Cases 2

Code Block
StrengthI	NULL	1.2	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.75	1.75	NULL	0.5	0.5	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.75	1.75
ServiceIIStrengthIII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.3	1.30	0	NULL	0.5	0.5	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.3	1.3
FatigueI0	0
StrengthV	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	1.7535	1.7535	NULL	0	0	NULL	01	01	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.7535	1.7535
FatigueIIServiceI	NULL	01.2	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	0.8	0.81	1	NULL	0.5	0.5	NULL	01	01	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0.8	0.8
StrengthII1	1
ServiceII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.353	1.353	NULL	00.5	0.5	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.353	1.35
FatigueI	NULL	0	0	NULL	10	10	NULL	1.75	1.75	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	10	10	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	01.75	1.75
FatigueII	NULL	0	0
ServiceIII	NULL	10	10	NULL	1	10.8	0.8	NULL	10	10	NULL	0.5	0.5	NULL	10	10	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0.8	0.8
StrengthII	NULL	1	1
ServiceIV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.35	1.35	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0
StrIConst1.35	1.35
StrengthIV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	1	1	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	1	1

Load Cases 3

Code Block
StrengthI0	0
ServiceIII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.5	0.751	NULL	1	1	NULL	0.5	0.95	NULL	1	1	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	1.40	0.25	NULL	10	10	NULL	01	01
StrengthIIIServiceIV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.5	0.751	NULL	1.50	0.9	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.40	0.25	NULL	10	10	NULL	0	0
StrengthVStrIConst	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.5	0.751	NULL	1.5	0.91	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.4	0.251	NULL	1	1	NULL	01	0
ServiceI1	NULL	1	1

Load Cases 3

Code Block
StrengthI	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.5	0.75	NULL	1.5	0.9	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.4	10.25	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0
ServiceIIStrengthIII	NULL	01	01	NULL	1.5	10.75	NULL	1.5	10.9	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.4	10.25	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0
FatigueIStrengthV	NULL	1	1	NULL	01.5	0.75	NULL	01.5	0.9	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01.4	0.25	NULL	01	01	NULL	0	0
ServiceI	NULL	01	0
FatigueII1	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	01	01	NULL	0	0
ServiceII	NULL	0	0
StrengthII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.5	0.75	NULL	1.5	0.9	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.4	0.251	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0
StrengthIVFatigueI	NULL	10	10	NULL	1.50	0.75	NULL	1.50	0.9	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	1.40	0.25	NULL	10	10	NULL	0	0
ServiceIIIFatigueII	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	10	10	NULL	0	0
ServiceIVStrengthII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.5	10.75	NULL	1.5	10.9	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.4	10.25	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0
StrIConstStrengthIV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.5	10.75	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1.5	0.9	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1

Load Combination Table


Code BlockSuperstructureLCT StrengthI
StrengthIII StrengthIV StrengthV
1.4	0.25	NULL	
NULL ServiceII
NULL FatigueI FatigueII SubstructureLCT StrengthI NULL StrengthIII StrengthIV StrengthV NULL NULL ServiceI ServiceII ServiceIII ServiceIV FatigueI FatigueII SuperStrConstLCT StrIConst NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL

Load Rating Combination Table

Dead Load

Code Block
LoadRatingLCT	1.25	DC1	DC2	1.5	DW

Design Load

Code Block
LoadRatingLCT	1.35	1.35	LL

Legal Load

Code Block

Emergency Load

Code BlockLoadRatingLCT 1 LL 1 NULL 1 NULL 1 NULL 1 NULL 1 NULL 1 NULL
0	0
ServiceIII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0
ServiceIV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0
StrIConst	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	

Permit Load

Code BlockLoadRatingLCT
	1	NULL	1	
1	NULL	1