Code check, load rating, and the other reports generate member-wise and station-wise design results.
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Follow the next steps to create steel I girder code check reports for different girders at different stations. |
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Follow the next steps to create steel I girder code check (AASHTO). |
1 | Go to Superstructure Code Checks/Steel I Girder Code Check (AASHTO). | |
2 | Under General column, select Girder as G4 (exterior girder). | |
3 | Specify Station as 260 ft. (around 2nd span mid). | |
4 | Name the row G4Span. | |
5 | Enter Panel Type as InteriorPanel (Panel Type serves for web panel classification). | |
6 | Select Code Check Template as SuperstrCCT. | |
7 | Go to 2nd row (It’s for constructability checks for girder G1 at station 240 ft). | |
8 | Name the 2nd row G1SpanConst. | |
9 | Select Girder column G1. | |
10 | Enter Station as 240 ft. | |
11 | Enter Panel Type as InteriorPanel. | |
12 | Select Code Check Template as SuperstrConstCCT. | |
13 | Go to 3rd row (It’s for serviceability (Strength, Service and Fatigue) checks for girder G2 at station 160 ft (at pier)). | |
14 | Name the 3rd row G2Support. | |
15 | Select Girder column G2. | |
16 | Enter Station as 160 ft. | |
17 | Enter Panel Type as EndPanel. | |
18 | Select Code Check Template as SuperstrCCT. | |
19 | Switch to Reinforcement input column. | |
20 | Select Input Data Preference as Lumped in 1st row. | |
21 | For Deck Rebar Material column, click A615_60, if not defined click Import. | |
22 | From Database drop-down menu, select Steel Material Database. | |
23 | From Category drop-down menu, select Reinforcing Steel. | |
24 | From Asset drop-down menu, select A615_60 and click Import. | |
25 | Drag down the imported material to the 2nd and 3rd rows. | |
26 | Enter reinforcement area values specified in the corresponding cells. (Note that based on the input data preference, inputs not applicable automatically turns into N/A). | |
27 | Switch to Stiffener input tab. | |
28 | Select all Has Long. Stiffener column cells at once. Set its value to NO. | |
29 | Select all Has Trans. Stiffener column cells at once. Set its value to YES. | |
30 | Go to Stiffener Spacing Computation column. | |
31 | For the code checks at span region, keep the value Use Cross Frame Spacing as default. | |
32 | For the code check at support region, click three-dots icon, and select User Input. | |
33 | See Transverse Stiffener Spacing column turned from N/A to a numeric value. For this example, keep it value 82 in as default. | |
34 | Longitudinal stiffener = No for this example. (Long. Stiff-comp. flange:= distance btw longitudinal stiffener and compression flange (in).) |
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Follow the next steps to create bolted field splice code check (AASHTO). |
1 | Go to Superstructure Code Checks/Bolted Field Splice Code Check (AASHTO). | |
2 | Under General column, click on three-dots icon of Splice cell and select Splice1. | |
3 | Name the 1st row as SpliceCC. | |
4 | Click on three-dots icon of Code Check Template cell and set SpliceCCT. | |
5 | Switch to Girder Parameters column. | |
6 | Select Panel type as InteriorPanel. | |
7 | Switch to Stiffener column. Inputs are identical with the ones in Steel I Girder Code Check (AASHTO). |
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Follow the next steps to create cross frame code check (AASHTO). |
1 | Go to Superstructure Code Checks/Cross Frame Code Check (AASHTO). | |
2 | Under Cross Frame column, click on three-dots icon select one X-type and one K-type cross frame. | |
3 | Select “CFKT28” and “CFX3” from drop-down. | |
4 | Name the rows as CFKTypeCC and CFXType, respectively. | |
5 | Select 1st and 2nd row together and click on three-dots icon under Code Check Template column. | |
6 | Set Code Check Template to CFrameCCT.
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Follow the next steps to create shear stud code check (AASHTO). |
1 | Go to Superstructure Code Checks/Shear Stud Code Check (AASHTO). | |
2 | Under General column, select Girder and Set to G4. | |
3 | Name the rows as CFKTypeCC and CFXType, respectively. | |
4 | Select 1st and 2nd row together and click on three-dots icon under Code Check Template column. | |
5 | Switch to Station Info. | |
6 | Keep Check every nth station as 10 ft. | |
7 | Click on three-dots icon of first cell under Mmax positive (LL+IM) stations and select Edit. | |
8 | Set Mmax positive (LL+IM) stations. |
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Follow the next steps to create pier cap code check. |
1 | Go to Substructure Code Checks/Pier Cap Code Check. | |
2 | Set PierCapCCT to Code Check Template. | |
3 | Name the 1st row PierCapCC. | |
4 | To set “Section”, click on three-dots icon and Select. | |
5 | From drop-down menu, select pier cap section. | |
6 | Input reinforcement data as: |
Tip |
Pier cap code check is completed. |
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Follow the next steps to create pier column code check. |
1 | Go to Substructure Code Checks/Pier Column Code Check. | |
2 | Set PierColCCT to Template. | |
3 | Under Pier and Sections column, click on three-dots icon and select Edit. | |
4 | In the opened edit window, click on three-dots icon of 1st row of Section column and Select. | |
5 | Select PierColumnRec. | |
6 | Pick Pier, or select from the drop-down menu of 1st row of 1st column. | |
7 | Pick PierColumn5. | |
8 | Set the Transverse Reinforcement Type as Tie. |
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Follow the next steps to create pier footing code check. |
1 | Go to Substructure Code Checks/Pier Footing Code Check. | ||||||
2 | Under Pier Footing Template, set PierFootCCT. | ||||||
3 | Select Pile Cap and set Footing1. | ||||||
4 | Specify code check stations in longitudinal and transverse directions by Distance in X-dir from centroid and Distance in Y-dir from centroid parameters as 10 and 20, respectively. | ||||||
5 | Name the 1st row PierFootCC. | ||||||
6 | Switch to Main Reinforcements column | ||||||
7 |
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8 | Set A615_60 to Reinforcement Material. | ||||||
9 | From three-dots icon of 1st row under Longitudinal Direction Reinforcements, click to Edit. | ||||||
10 | From three dot of 1st row under Rebar Profile, click ASTMA615No8, if it is not defined click Import. | ||||||
11 | From the Asset drop-down, select ASTMA615No8. | ||||||
12 | Click Import. | ||||||
13 | Enter Spacing of Reinforcements and Distance to Extreme Fiber. | ||||||
14 | Go to the 2nd row. | ||||||
15 | To define rebar info for the top, under Top or Bottom parameter, select Top. | ||||||
16 | Drag down 3rd and 4th column data of 1st row. | ||||||
17 | Click back icon to go back. | ||||||
18 | From three-dots icon of 1st row under Transverse Direction Reinforcements, click to Edit. | ||||||
19 | Set ASTMA615No8 to Rebar Profile. | ||||||
20 | Enter Spacing of Reinforcements and Distance to Extreme Fiber. | ||||||
21 | Go to 2nd row. | ||||||
22 | To define rebar info for the top, under Top or Bottom parameter, select Top. | ||||||
23 | Drag down 3rd and 4th column data of 1st row | ||||||
24 | Switch to Shear Reinforcements column. | ||||||
25 | In this example, input data kept as default. |
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Follow the next steps to create pile capacity check. |
1 | Go to Substructure Code Checks/Pile Capacity Check. | |
2 | Set PileCapacityCCT to Template. | |
3 | Select Pile Cap and set Footing1. | |
4 | Enter the name as PileCapacityCC. |
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Follow the next steps to create load rating reports. |
1 | Go to Load Rating/Steel I Girder Load Rating. | |
2 | Under General column, name 1st column LoadRatReport. | |
3 | Set G4 to Girder. | |
4 | Enter Station input. | |
5 | Set SIGLRT1 to LRTemplate. | |
6 | Switch to Reinforcement column. | |
7 | Enter rebar input data or keep the default values. | |
8 | Switch to Cover Plates. | |
9 | Enter cover plate input data or keep the default values. | |
10 | Switch to Section Losses. | |
11 | Enter section loss input data or keep the default values. | |
12 | Switch to Stiffener. | |
13 | Specify stiffener input data. |
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Follow the next steps to create load rating reports. |
1 | Go to Reports/Steel I Girder Analysis Summary Table. | |
2 | Name the 1st cell as GirderSummary. | |
3 | Pick Girders and click DONE. | |
4 | Set SuperstructureLCT to Factored Results. | |
5 | Use Ignored Insertion Points as default. |