| |||||||
1 | Click three-dots icon | ||||||
2 | Define the station-dimension relationship on the spreadsheet. | ||||||
3 | Top Flange thickness, web depth and thickness, bottom flange width and thickness, haunch thickness, and additional haunch width parameters can be defined similarly to top flange width. | ||||||
4 | Click three-dots icon | ||||||
5 | You can edit the FE mesh settings of girders from FEA Settings tab. | ||||||
6 | The girder FE model will be automatically generated by the OpenBrIM based on the parametric relation between the 3D and FEM in the library component. The girder section is represented using FeLine elements for flanges and FeSurface elements for the web. | ||||||
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Add K Top type cross frames to start and end support locations and add X type cross frames based on the spacing data.
| |||||||
1 | Pick 2 Girders that the cross frame will be placed between. | ||||||
2 | Enter the Station of the cross frame. | ||||||
3 | Go to Sections tab. | ||||||
4 | Import AISCL8X8X3/4 and assign it to Top & Bottom & Diagonal Chord Sections. | ||||||
5 | Go to Gusset Plate tab and edit the gusset plate offset values for top, bottom and diagonal plates. | ||||||
6 | Go to Stiffener tab | ||||||
7 | Edit the vertical stiffener thickness as 0.75 and vertical stiffener width as 7 in. | ||||||
8 | Go to Geometry tab. | ||||||
9 | Edit the offset values for top chord, diagonals, and bottom chord. | ||||||
10 | Perform the same steps for X type cross-frames. | ||||||
11 |
You need to define at least 2 deck cross-sections along the deck.
| |||||||
1 | Click three-dots icon | ||||||
2 | Define the station-dimension relationship on the spreadsheet. | ||||||
3 | Top Flange thickness, web depth and thickness, bottom flange width and thickness, haunch thickness, and additional haunch width parameters can be defined similarly to top flange width. | ||||||
4 | Click three-dots icon | ||||||
5 | You can edit the FE mesh settings of girders from FEA Settings tab. | ||||||
6 | The girder FE model will be automatically generated by the OpenBrIM based on the parametric relation between the 3D and FEM in the library component. The girder section is represented using FeLine elements for flanges and FeSurface elements for the web. | ||||||
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