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    Analiz yapılırken önce şeritler yerleştirilir, şeritler genişlik parametrelerine göre yatay doğrultuda yerleştirilirler. Daha sonra araçlar marjin ve genişlik parametrelerini ihlal etmeden yatay ve dikey doğrultuda yerleştirilirler. Araçlar arasındaki mesafe Lane Type kısmında belirlenen Vehicle Spacing parametrelerinden az ve ya fazla olamaz. Bir Laneye maksimum Lane objesine tanımlanan taşıt sayısı kadar taşıt yükleme yapılır. Yol üzerindeki Şerit sayısı arttıkça taşıt yükleri Multiple Presence Factor parametresi ile azaltılabilir. Amaç bütün kombinasyonları deneyerek en kritik taşıt yükleme konumunu elde etmek. Bu şekilde tanımlanan nodeların kuvvetlerini, deplasmanlarını, oluşturulan yapının major, minor axis gibi moment bending diagramlarına erişilebilir. 

Analiz Sonuçları

    Analiz sonuçlarına Results kısmından ulaşılır. Bu bölümde  Node Displacements (Local), Node Reactions (Local), Node Reactions (Global), Element End Forces (External-Local), Element End Forces (External-Global), Composite Element Forces (Sectional), FESurface Forces (Internal), FESurface Stresses ve Frequencies olmak üzere 9 adet analiz sonucu kısmı vardır. İstenilen analiz sonucuna gerekli bölüme gidilerek ulaşılır. 'Değerin' üstüne tıklanarak taşıt konumlarına ulaşılabilir.

PENNDoT Example at OpenBrIm

The 'representative' bridge is parametrically modelled in accordance with Figures 2.1(A), 2.1(B),2.1(C), 2.1(D) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's Software Evaluation for LRFD Refined Analysis of Girder Bridges - 2017. Parametric modelling refers to the relationships among all bridge components in a project that enable the coordination and change management that OpenBrIM Platform provides. These relationships are created in OpenBrIM Library by the engineers.

    Vehicles Definition

NameHL93 Design Truck variable spacingHL93 Design Truck without variable spacingHL93 Design TandemHL93 FatigueHS25-44 TruckMomentShearMoment Pt.Shear Pt.PHL-93 TruckPHL-93 TandemPHL-93 Design Truck no variable spacingPHL-93 Tandem Pairs
Gross Vehicle Weight(kip)727250729022.532.522.532.57262.572100

    Design Lanes Definition

Lane Width(ft)12121212121212121212

Margin btw. Vehicle & Lane Edge(ft)2121112212
Vehicle 1PHL93 Design Truck no variable spacingPHL-93TruckPHL93 Design Truck no variable spacingNULLPHL-93TandemPHL-93TruckHL93_DesignTandemPHL93 Design Truck no variable spacingNULLHL93_DesignTandem

Vehicle 1 Impact Factor1.3331.3331.1971.3331.3331.3331.3331.333-1.333

Vehicle 2

PHL93 Design Truck no variable spacingNULLPHL93 Design Truck no variable spacingNULLNULLNULLHL93_DesignTandemPHL93 Design Truck no variable spacingNULLHL93_DesignTandem
Vehicle 2 Impact Factor1.333-1.197---1.3331.333-1.333
Vehicle 1 & 2 DirectionBothBothBothBothBothBothBothBothBothBoth
Lane Load Magnitude(kip/ft)0.6400.5760.640.640.640.6400.640

Lane Load Width(ft)10101010101010101010
Min. Vehicle Spacing(ft)50505050505026505026

Max. Vehicle Spacing(ft)30030030030030030040100001000040

Lane Constraint Start(ft)0000000000
Lane Constraint End(ft)0000000000

    Roadways Definition

NameLIVELOADPATHSpecific DefinitionMain Definition
Width Right Side(Start)(ft)15.5-

Width Right Side(End)(ft)15.5-
Width Left Side(Start)(ft)15.5-
Width Left Side(End)(ft)15.5-
Surface GroupLLFEGroup

Number of path points readonly

Span Locations(ft)[[960,0],[2160,0]]

Long.Placement Increment(ft)



Trans. Placement Increment(ft)2-
Unit Force X(kip)0-
Unit Force Y(kip)0-
Unit Force Z(kip)-1-
Unit Moment X(kip-ft)0-
Unit Moment Y(kip-ft)0-
Unit Moment Z(kip-ft)0-
Centrifugal Fact. for Radial Force[]-
Centrifugal Fact. for Left Wheel[]
Result Tolerance0.005-

    Live Load Cases Definition

NameTandemPlusLaneLCTruckPlusLaneLCTruckPairPlusLaneLCTruckAloneLC90%TruckPairPlus90%LaneLCLaneLoadLCTandemPairLaneLCTruckPairOnlyLCLaneOnlyLCTandemPairOnlyLCSpecific DefinitionDefinition
Multiple Presence Factors(MPF)[1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65][1.2,1,0.85,0.65]

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Maximize for Stress Range(Fatigue)NONONONONONONONONONO-
Maximum # of LanesNO LimitNO LimitNO LimitNO LimitNO LimitNO LimitNO LimitNO LimitNO LimitNO Limit-
Design Lane Option 1TandemLaneTruckLaneTruckPairLaneTruckAlone90%TruckPair90%LaneLaneLoadNoImpactTandemPairLaneTruckPairOnlyLaneOnlyTandemPairOnlyOnly  Deisgn Lane Option 1 is used

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Structure GroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroupBridgeFEGroup

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